Book Review: love notes – Letters from parents to children

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Book Style: Letters written by parents, for parents

Author: Anthony R. Segil – One nice guy!

Love notes –  Letters From parents To Children is a book of letters (you might have already guessed) from parents to their children.  Each letter is from a different perspective, at a different age, and for a different reason.  There are multiple chapters, each with their own theme.  Throughout the letters, author Anthony R. Segil drives home the value of communicating what’s important to our children.  He’s also trying to evoke emotions from each and every reader, and I have to say that he’s been successful.

Anthony’s work has been receiving positive press (most recently on ABC), and it’s easy to see why.  Love notes is simply a lovely book that echoes parents’ feelings of love for their children.

Each of the chapters begins with a short prelude written by the author.  In each prelude, Anthony sets up why he has chosen the chapter’s theme and how it relates to parents.  I found each prelude to be a terrific kickoff to the chapter’s content, and I found that it added to the 4-5 letters that followed.

While I will allow the letters to speak for themselves, I do feel the basis for the book is an important piece for the reader to understand.  The opening pages tell a story about the author’s four-year old nephew who was diagnosed with leukemia.  It’s not a long story, but the book’s message right away hit home for me.  It is truly so important to tell your children (your family…and really anyone important in your life) how you feel about them.  In fact, why don’t you get up right now and go do that?  Just don’t forget to come back, OK?

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As most of the letters came from parents, it was easy to relate to their expressions of love.  It was nice to read what I’d been thinking all along, and I didn’t even mind getting a little choked up.  As I’ve read the letters, I found myself feeling more and more like I could do and be more to my little toddler.  What I can promise you is that as you read this book, you’ll want to strengthen your relationship with your mini-me. and you may even want to strengthen your relationship with your own parents!

In summary, this is an extremely easy book to recommend to parents (and parents-to-be).  If I had it my way, this would be required reading for pre-natal classes (and every birthday after that).  When the days come when you want to pull your hair out in frustration, when you feel gross, and when you are truly at your wits’ end, a simple read of one of this book’s letters will save your soul.  And that’s not the only good thing about love Notes! Each time someone purchases this book (Paperback – $6.36 USD, Kindle – $3.98 USD), Anthony donates the proceeds to one of the terrific foundations seen in the picture above. grab your copy today!

Thanks for reading…to your children!

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